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Now viewing page 118 of 718
Epicuria and Health How to cook like your grandmother standing rib roast - (crazy) - (1)
Arts and Entertainment It's cold out there -NT - (crazy)
Epicuria and Health Also, Bing finds you but Google does not -NT - (crazy) - (3)
Politics Must have missed it, is it in that post? - (crazy) - (3)
News Picks Thank you -NT - (crazy)
Epicuria and Health Hey Drook, about to do your standing rib roast recipe - (crazy) - (13)
Arts and Entertainment Okay I'm done - (crazy)
Politics God damn it, this might be real - (crazy) - (17)
Politics Yeah, 40% are simply stupid. - (crazy)
News Picks I'm in Denver and had it early - (crazy) - (6)
Now viewing page 118 of 718

I am so upset that this clown of a woman figured out my SUPER PLAN TO SCAM MILLIONS FROM THE UNKNOWING BEANIE WORLD!
520 ms