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News Picks Where do you get your numbers?!? - (jb4) - (5)
News Picks Of course, oil proces continue to hold or slide - (jb4)
Jobs Good Luck, Todd. - (jb4)
Politics Short answer: - (jb4)
The Water Cooler MAN! That sux0rz! - (jb4)
The Water Cooler My condolences to you and your family, Brenda -NT - (jb4)
The Water Cooler Happy BeePDay to you! -NT - (jb4)
The Water Cooler Happy BDay Spice! - (jb4)
Politics Try cnn.com - (jb4)
Politics At least, we're finally done with Der Arkitekt - (jb4)
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I said, "What's your sign?" She said, "Aquarium." I said, "Great! Let's get tanked!"
817 ms