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Politics More like revision of history -NT - (jb4)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics Not to mention... - (jb4)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics Actually, it was a Jelly Roll - (jb4)
The Water Cooler Somebody hax0r3d your database?!? - (jb4)
Politics Rove. It **is** a four-letter word - (jb4)
Politics You can't? - (jb4)
Politics Even if everything you say were indeed confirmed... - (jb4) - (7)
The Water Cooler Very! Nice! - (jb4)
The Water Cooler I thought you were too old for this - (jb4)
The Water Cooler Silica Gel! - (jb4)
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Coo coo ca-choo!
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