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The Water Cooler Boy, talk about a rock and hard place... - (jb4)
The Water Cooler So I'm late... - (jb4) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict You can be such a jackass sometimes BeeP - (jb4) - (16)
Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics What other possible conclusion could there be? - (jb4)
Politics Don't worry about that... - (jb4)
Politics Plausible deniability - (jb4)
Politics My, we're getting edgy.... -NT - (jb4)
Politics Hoo-boy - (jb4)
Politics Texas...you fergot Texas - (jb4) - (1)
Politics From the horse's ass...er...mouth - (jb4)
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Smoke the pipe, and there will be no lies between us.
689 ms