I've a Masters in International Business and have lived in over a half dozen and studied vastly more of the governments on this planet.

I just know ours is best :-/

I've lived with National ID cards. Police armed with automatic weapons. Free nationalized healthcare (and a deviated septum to show that you do..in fact...get what you pay for) etc...

This country is not perfect. Perfect does not exist. There are countries that handle certain aspects of the entire package >better< than we do. But when you put the entire package together, this is the place to be.

And I suppose...if Greg's server holds out for the decade...that I would relish the opportunity and freedom to discuss this with you and disagree with you all over again :) Just like I do now.

And I would love to be so optimistic about the motives of others in search of a comparison point...I'm just not.