Uh...exactly. Your life is on the line. So you risk shooting your own commander, not knowing how the other guys will react.
That is correct.

The commander is threatening me and I know he will do it.

I also know the US troops have better weapons than I do.

Therefore, my best survival option is to surrender to the US troops.

In order to do that, I have to shoot the commander.

Now, there is a possibility that one of the other troops will turn out to be a threat to me.

No one ever said there wasn't ANY risk.

Just that this is the path of LEAST risk.

Heck, you probably couldn't even turn around or reach for your gun before the commander pulled the trigger.
So, the commander has all 20 of the men covered at the same time.




So you go and fight, maybe not aiming with that much zeal, and the best you can hope for is wounding and recovery, instead of certain death and the death of your family.
Nice try, but you failed again.

"Certain death" would indicate that you KNEW someone in the unit (besides the commander) would turn on you.

You failed because you lost sight of the ORIGINAL position.
