That's because YOU don't understand what a prediction is.
No solid proof either way
that Saddam has or has not have any WOMD.
No one can prove that Saddam does not have nuke/chem/bio weapons.
Even if he never uses them against US troops.
Maybe the elves are moving them when no one is looking.
The only thing you CAN prove is that he has them and the easiest way to prove this is when HE uses them.
Brand's comment about planting them, is not proved either, he is just guessing that the US troops will plant them.
If I told you, today, what the next winning lottery number would be. And I told you that I was predicting it.
And I was right.
That would still be just a "guess" to you, wouldn't it?
When the facts don't match your world-view, then those facts are wrong.
The winning lottery number.
Over a week in advance.
As a public prediction.
You still don't get it, do you?
Do you have any idea how many individual, distinct events had to happen so my prediction would be accurate?
If one were to listen to you and Marlowe...
#1. An advance strike kills Saddam
(how did I know there'd be an advance strike?)
#2. Saddam had, previously, ordered all the chemicals removed from the warheads
(how did I know that the warheads would be empty?)
#3. The initial strikes take out the chemical weapons without causing any chemical hazards
(how did I know that the rounds would be safe but that the weapons would be vulnerable?)
And so on.
If one were to listen to you and Marlowe, I'd have to have guessed right OVER and OVER and OVER.
Any single error and my prediction would have been proven wrong.