By "pretty likely" I mean that the military and intelligence agencies are awfully convinced he has them.
Actually, our intelligence agencies have recently complained because our current regime was demanding that said agencies provide "proof" that Saddam had them.

When no "proof" was to be had.

So, our current regime had to resort to things like the claim that Iraq was trying to buy nuclear material from Niger.

A claim that has since been proven to be completely false.


By "pretty likely" I submit the most authoritative comment that I as a civilian am qualified to make.
"Civilian" has nothing to do with this. Blix is a civilian.

I believe that Saddam would make those weapons if he could (and he could).
So, Saddam HAS those weapons (would if he could and he could). Basic English may be a bit beyond you.

I also believe that Saddam would not destroy his most potent weapons in order to look nice to the international community.
Believe whatever you will. I know other kids that believe in Santa Claus.

I challenge you to provide demonstratable proof, drawn from your considerable experience in military intelligence and chemical weapons in the middle east, that there are no WMD in Iraq, and none will be found.
I guess you FAILED basic logic.


The only proof is prediction.

As I have stated.

You cannot "prove" a negative.