You have no idea what you're talking about.
Will he use them once we get closer to Baghdad? Or will he save them for last?
Chem/bio weapons are nearly INEFFECTIVE against troops on the move.
That's because they LEAVE THE CONTAMINATED AREA soon after the weapons hit.
I know I've said this before, but it seems that SOME PEOPLE'S CHILDREN have trouble comprehending it.
Chemical weapons are used:
#1. To channelize attackers.
#2. To soften hardened targets.
#3. To degrade combat performance by forcing troops to button up.
Now, we are converging on a point target (Baghdad).
#1. Would not apply because we are already channelized.
#2. Would not apply because we are NOT hardened targets.
#3. Could apply, but doing that would invoke #2 against the defenders in the city.
In other words, if Saddam used chemical weapons against troops attacking Baghdad, the chemicals would settle in the places where the DEFENDERS are most likely to be and KILL THE DEFENDERS.
Great, Saddam would use chemical weapons to kill his own troops so the US troops have an easier time taking the city.
Why that makes PERFECT sense.
The CORRECT time to have used them was when the US troops were in Kuwait.
What if he really dis disarm all chemical weapons? He still has the extended range SCUDs he could have used them in that had traces of the chemicals in their empty warheads.
IF he has those SCUD's, the "traces of the chemicals" would do LESS damage than a conventional warhead.
So, why not just load them up with CONVENTIONAL explosives and toss them?
Hmmmm, makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Even if he doesn't have any chemical weapons, what about the human rights violations, the bad leadership, and the attempt to drive him out of power? Will conditions really improve Post-Saddam in Iraq, or will we create yet another monster that we will have to face sometime in the future?
What the fuck does THAT have to do with ANYTHING?
North Korea's dictator is just as bad as Saddam AND has and active nuclear weapons program.
Once you get past the bullshit about Saddam's "WMD's" you see that this "war" is worse than stupid.
It is pissing off the rest of the world and wasting resources that should be applied to North Korea.