The reason we haven't found anything yet... supply hasn't gotten there yet to "supply the proof" for the lies we are making up... Yep that's what you are saying, I gather.
The reason we haven't found anything yet is that there isn't anything to find.

Once we have "won" this "war", the "evidence" will be planted and "found".

Now, why do you suppose those refugees trying to get out of Basra... getting targetted and shot at by the Iraqi Military in Basra... *WHY* was that not 1st Page, 1st Headline news?
I'm not sure what planet you're posting from, but this is what is on CNN's front page:
UK: Basra civilians fired on | Video

So, it seems that you're wrong, again. And for some reason, you still haven't gotten used to that.

Now, let's just change that *JUST* a bit... and let's suppose it was like this:

The refugees trying to get out of Basra... getting targeted and shot by British and American forces.

How many days do you think *THAT* would get Headline news in an ARAB paper ... or maybe a "US" Paper... how many Former Military Heads would be talking about this on CNN or MSNBC... how many HOURS of TV coverage would it get? Kind of a Galcial Hypocrisy there donchya think?
Probably for a long time.

Are you saying that Saddam's "WMD's" are being carried by the civilians trying to get out of Basra?