I did not like the way it ended. I won't give it away for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. They did do a "To Be Continued" so I wonder if after the Sci Fi channel dumps it, if someone else will pick it up?
Basically after destroying that plant that the Scarrans use, like Popeye uses Spinach, John and crew get away. But before they blew up the plants, John made a comment about the plant tasting like one on Earth to the Emperor of the Scarrans. Which means that they sent a ship to the wormhole to Earth to take over the planet and get that plant. The only way John sees to stop them is to close the wormhole. That is all I got to say about this episode, other than I didn't like the ending.
According to this news feed:
The Jim Henson company wants to make a movie based on FarScape, yeah! The creators of Kermit, are going to do a FarScape movie. I am not sure how after this series finale ended, but maybe they can do with with the surviving characters?