Re: Certifying identity and intentions . .
. . is, unfortunately, prudent for anyone posting from St. Louis, since we have seen so many false identities with highly questionable intentions emanating from there in the recent past.
Believe me, I know. I have had to do it myself. :) I completely understand your suspicions and concern, and that is again why I wasn't sure I should post. But all my other "technical" expertise people have moved or spread out so that there is no one site to get help on with people I know.... other than ones with people I don't trust... so I turned to people I don't know, other than Scott, whom I only know through a verifying email. :) (And Orion as previously stated).
So if anyone has any suspicions, state them and I'll do my best to ease your fears. I just don't want to be dragged into a heavy debate about Orion.
Been there, done that, not again.
Nightowl >8#

Edited by
March 7, 2003, 02:13:41 AM EST
Re: Certifying identity and intentions . .
. . is, unfortunately, prudent for anyone posting from St. Louis, since we have seen so many false identities with highly questionable intentions emanating from there in the recent past.
Believe me, I know. I have had to do it myself. :) I completely understand your suspicions and concern, and that is again why I wasn't sure I should post. But all my other "technical" expertise people have moved or spread out so that there is no one site to get help on with people I know.... other than ones with people I don't trust... so I turned to people I don't know, other than Scott, whom I only know through a verifying email. :)
So if anyone has any suspicions, state them and I'll do my best to ease your fears. I just don't want to be dragged into a heavy debate about Orion.
Been there, done that, not again.
Nightowl >8#
"Honesty is the best policy, and the one I use." :)