Re: Nightowl, please feel welcome & ask away ...
We are a charming bunch & mostly more than willing to help those who ask.
Yep, and I knew that some, cause I've read posts in here since December, I think. :) It seemed like the place to come for the help.
But I have to confess that at times we (I am guilty) can be vulgar & sexist (esp in Flame Q) but am sure that away from some serious leg pulling we are mostly egalitarian (lets see what that claim triggers <g>).
Pshaw, won't bug me. I came from AFFINITY, trust me, I know what to expect. ;)
Hmmm egalitarian.....
1 : a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic rights and privileges
2 : a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people
I think I like that! ;)
But whatever, enjoy your posting here
Thanks, I don't know how much I'll post, I am having enough problems figuring out how to maneuver and post in TWO forums. ;) But we'll see.
Nightowl >8#