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New Power-drunk teachers bully sons of soldiers.
[link|http://windsofchange.net/archives/003102.html|How the leftists love petty positional authority]


WABI- TV Bangor Maine | February 21, 2003 | 6 PM News
Alan Grover, WABI-TV: "What the kids are facing is hearing that [from Principals, Teachers and/or Guidance Counsellors] their mother or father is a bad person for taking part in the confrontation with Iraq; comments that are coming from teachers. That's according to officers with the Guard\ufffds Family Assistance Program who've been traveling throughout the state this week. The officers report that such incidents are relatively few in number but that they've occurred in practically every region of the state."

Major Andrew Gibson: "Some kids have even reported that... ah... teachers have said things to them, specifically, about the ah unethical nature of their parent going off to fight."
It gets worse...
"LTC John Mosher: "Soldiers follow our instructions to coordinate with schools to let them know they will be leaving, that their child should be monitored and to keep an eye on 'em."

I say:

Things haven't changed since I was in high school. I remember the wild-eyed screaming bitch who made us read Babbit and Winesburg, Ohio, and kept yelling about how evil and bourgeois America is. She would've made us read Stalin's speeches if she thought she could have gotten away with it.

It's not that these psychopaths can't get real jobs. They don't want real jobs. They want to be in a position to bully helpless people. That's what they live for.

And when they can't get that, they either snip from the sidelines (hi, Brandioch!) or spout mounds of pretentious gibberish (hey, Ashton!)
No oil for TotalFinaElf!
CHICKENHAWK! Scourge of clucking hens everywhere!
Victory is the answer. There are no alternatives.
New theres a teacher that needs to be fired
if the allegation is true, law suits ensue. I'd rather mud stomp em myself. Around here(tampa bay) a lot of people are against the war but all seem to support the troops.
will work for cash and other incentives [link|http://home.tampabay.rr.com/boxley/resume/Resume.html|skill set]

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
\ufffdOmni Gaul Delenda est!\ufffd Ceasar
New Contrast that with teaching of "Creationism".
You see, the Left that you hate so much does not have to stoop to the level of claiming that EVERYONE on the other side acts the same way.

Maybe if those on the Right started teaching actual subjects instead of their fantasies, there would be more of them in the school system.
New Eh?
I've had about an equal number of really good Leftist and Rightist teachers. All had their quirks, I never agreed with any of them, and I remember most of them fondly.

I've also had about an equal number of really *lousy* Leftist and Rightist teachers. I can't remember the difference between any of them, and all I really remember about their classes was a combined feeling of insult and frustration.

I've also had about an equal number of teachers who were good at teaching their subjects, so long as you didn't didn't get them started about whatever their personal agenda was. There was an economics teacher at my college who was really a good economics teacher, but was at the same time a ridiculously cartoonish fundie, who actually told a graduating class at a commencement ceremony that he would pray to "protect them from the forces of darkness." If you could avoid triggering the fundie switch he was a great teacher... if you couldn't then you just wanted to hide.

An incompetent boob is an incompetent boob, regardless of what he or she believes, and the same goes for people who are good at what they do.
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New Exactly!
And you're advanced enough to understand that everyone in a specific group does NOT have the same views, opinions, faults, personality, whatever as any other person in that group.
New OK, so you go teach instead.
Shitty teaching and inappropriate BS knows no political boundaries.

I don't agree with these teachers' tactics. Anyone in the military is duty bound to follow orders (within reason - ie Nuremburg). Not abiding by their contract is amoral.

If you don't like the way things are being taught - your best option is to get in there and get involved. Which is the whole problem with the US educational system - nobody wants to contribute to it but everyone wants to bitch about it.

I think that it's extraordinarily important that we in computer science keep fun in computing. When it started out, it was an awful lot of fun. Of course, the paying customer got shafted every now and then, and after a while we began to take their complaints seriously. We began to feel as if we really were responsible for the successful, error-free perfect use of these machines. I don't think we are. I think we're responsible for stretching them, setting them off in new directions, and keeping fun in the house. I hope the field of computer science never loses its sense of fun. Above all, I hope we don't become missionaries. Don't feel as if you're Bible salesmen. The world has too many of those already. What you know about computing other people will learn. Don't feel as if the key to successful computing is only in your hands. What's in your hands, I think and hope, is intelligence: the ability to see the machine as more than when you were first led up to it, that you can make it more.

--Alan Perlis
New I had a teacher in high school
that we thought was Communist, actually she looked like a Romulan woman and she had a lot of cats. We couldn't use the words "Shut Up" in her class, it had to be "cease" or something else like that. She had total control over her class and made us read the newspaper and give reports on it. She would always argue about why this or that was bad, etc.

But on the plus side she did have a candy dish on her desk and everyone was allowed one piece of candy each per day. Until the class clown broke it, and then he had to replace it. His comment on it to her was "I, I, I... I was just playing!" but you could see the fire in her eyes after she saw the broken dish.

But her views kind of pegged her as a Communist, at least that was the class opinion. I think it was supposed to be a History or Social Science class?

New and improved, Chicken Delvits!]
New Gawd.. if she made you READ NEWSPAPERS..
AND speak with civilized manners.. and actually kept the class on CLASS TOPICS TOO:

No question about it; you and marlowe would see right through her little game: Comsymp at the very least. Those are the characteristics.

And your recollections are proof! Of course, if it wasn't History or Social Sciences -?- it doesn't matter at all: the deductions of you and your similarly competent classmates is enough. She should be killed, or worse: made to tutor everyone in your class forever, thus experience complete Futility.

Do you *ever* read what you think you might be saying - before printing?
Do you have any idea what you just wrote?
Please: don't vote - for anyone. Ever. And *never* accept jury duty; no one deserves a deck that stacked.
New Amen, Brother!
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Shine the light of Eternal Truth on it!

"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."\t-- Mark Twain
New Orion, gotta tell you a funny story ...
This is a bit unusual & may seem odd to some but is 100% true.

When I was in the Air Force (based at HQ Operational Command (for the country), I went to night school (was working on Uni entrance). At this night school we had a history teacher that I and one other AirForce attendee got on really well with (my later graduation major & highest mark in any subject was in modern history).

Anyway, It turns out this teacher *was* a card carrying member of the Communist party. Not only that but he would spend quite a bit of time in presenting communist literature & ideas & he especially honed in on us 2 Airforce attendess (was a civilian night-school but recom by Air Force).

Now this is where it gets bizarre. The guy I attended with was a bit wierd, he was completely taken by this teacher & started doing drawings showing the president of the US operating puppet strings connected to the PM of Australia & he left these drawings prominently on display above his bed during CO inspections. After a while, the internal security people of the Air Force began to visit him & asked him why he left such drawings so obviously on display. His reply was "They are an accurate depiction of the relationship".

This went on for months with more visits & more questions all the while we kept attending history together & being taught by a 'communist'.

Then one day, the civillian teacher got fired, Mr classmate Bob Fury, was discharged from the Airforce & I was given 12 months leave without pay to complete my studies full time & then later sent to officers training school. Fucked if I know what to make of it all but like I said, it was bizarre but 100% true.

By the way this all happened in 1965.

Just want to add that during my later full time studies, my history teacher (I was her class fav) appeared on national TV in a history quiz & went all the way thru to winning the top prize. The only other person I know who did so well on this smae quiz show, was a guy who was also a history teacher but who later became an federal Member of Parliment & then even later president of the Labour Party of Australia (his name was Barry Jones).

So maybe the moral is, a little bit of communism from a history teacher can go a long way ???

Doug Marker


About Barry Jones & his fame on 'Pick-a-box' quiz [link|http://bdb.co.za/shackle/articles/barryjones.htm|http://bdb.co.za/sha...es/barryjones.htm]

Am trying to track down my former history teacher's chievements on the same quiz show.
Expand Edited by dmarker Feb. 28, 2003, 05:14:37 AM EST
Expand Edited by dmarker March 1, 2003, 06:12:44 AM EST
New Geez, get over Sherwood Anderson!
I was "forced" to read Winesburg, Ohio 35 years ago and somehow emerged from the ordeal without waking up screaming each night ever since, much less whining about it online at every opportunity. Not only that, but I re-read it voluntarily early last decade, and enjoyed it. GET A LIFE, and cease criticizing your literary betters, "Marlowe!"

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Marlowe must be our literary 'better' -
He has obviously committed to memory virtually every issue of Human Events verbatim. What more could one need - to correct the muddled thinking of a bunch of Commie dupes?

You are simply envious of his Vision of a world filled with perfectly armed minions, each with the courage of his convictions (hers' don't count - we all know about the weaker-sex) and the Power to Impose Them, thus achieve Perfect Order. At Last.

Let us be thankful for the edjakayshun we are receiving from this fount of Right-ish Rectitude, you freaking Wrong-ish reader of disgusting non-approved Books!

A Concerned Citizen for Righteousness
via Superior Firepower
For every human problem, there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong

H. L. Mencken, Mencken's Metalaw
New Re: Marlowe must be our literary 'better' -
Well it does appear true, as I think I had occasion to observe once before, that on the basis of his keen analyses of the global correlation of forces Marlowe has clearly subjected Tom Clancy's entire oeuvre to the most rigorous study and analysis--so it's not as though he despises all the twentieth century classics.

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."

Geeze you can be a cheeky bastard <g>


(said with true Oz affection <still laffing>)
New I was once recipient of an autographed copy of the Bricker
[link|http://www.libertyhaven.com/theoreticalorphilosophicalissues/publicchoice/globalism.html| Amendment] (Summary, sorta) - from aforementioned Gramma. This while I was getting ready to attend an Institute.. (she was worried that those 'professors' might Give Me Ideas and all..) - a natural fear which any Possessor of the One Truth is apt to have.
While the Bricker Amendment earned the contempt of influential members of the Washington Establishment, the libertarian journalist Garet Garrett recognized its populist origins. What was really at stake, Garrett insisted, was the people's ability to have a voice in the kind of international agreements that would be binding on them, and the protection of everyone's constitutional rights from the whims of executive fiat. "The people are told they know not what they do," he wrote. "They would weaken American leadership in the world and perhaps destroy mankind's hope of peace. But all they wanted was simply to be let alone. " 15

The editors of the conservative weekly Human Events agreed with Garrett, gratified by the outpouring of support for the Amendment by ordinary Americans. Early in 1954 the editors exulted in the success of "The Vigilant Women of the Bricker Amendment," who had established regional coordinators in 39 states and whose officers succeeded in bringing 500,000 signatures to Washington. 16

Ultimately, the George Amendment, a watered-down version of Senator Bricker's original proposal, failed by one vote to receive the necessary two-thirds majority of the Senate.

A good many Republicans, upon leaming of the Eisenhower Administration's staunch opposition to the Amendment, withdrew their support out of loyalty to the President. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the most liberal senators in each party - whom the Old Right Chicago Tribune contemptuously described as "all the New Dealers"also voted against it.
Natch I didn't know shit about the obtuseness and deviousness, just plain guaranteed hypocrisy of 'politics' then - I think I still imagined that the civics class du jour - had explained what the bloody country ran by. Yabut.. I didn't imagine I had the whole scoop either, but I knew she did [imagine that]] -- and that knowledge was enough for me to skim this turgid booklet with at least a tiny prescience of the idea that there were *blab-words; words so freighted with indiv. emotional BS - as to be meaningless. Lucky me.

* I encountered Stuart Chase's Tyranny of Words (first effective popularization of Korzybski?) only much later -- regretting I hadn't known of these ideas much earlier. Could have saved lots of wasted [Huh !?!]s Oh well. Twas he who showed examples from speeches of the blab word in action. A child could grok his meaning, but certainly not read K's IMhO.

Looks as if we each have to replay the gamut from the reptile brain onwards, no matter how many have blazed the trail - after all, the fetus goes through that in less time than ... it takes an Ashcroft to write an anthem / hold a preyer meeting / cancel a Constitution, all so as to Protect The Murican Way of Life and Consumption.

How do you change Channels on this sucker and all I can get is something called


- I've seen this shit Before!
     Power-drunk teachers bully sons of soldiers. - (marlowe) - (15)
         theres a teacher that needs to be fired - (boxley)
         Contrast that with teaching of "Creationism". - (Brandioch) - (2)
             Eh? - (cwbrenn) - (1)
                 Exactly! - (Brandioch)
         OK, so you go teach instead. - (tuberculosis)
         I had a teacher in high school - (orion) - (4)
             Gawd.. if she made you READ NEWSPAPERS.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Amen, Brother! -NT - (rcareaga)
                 Shine the light of Eternal Truth on it! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
             Orion, gotta tell you a funny story ... - (dmarker)
         Geez, get over Sherwood Anderson! - (rcareaga) - (4)
             Marlowe must be our literary 'better' - - (Ashton) - (3)
                 Re: Marlowe must be our literary 'better' - - (rcareaga) - (2)
                     ROFL - (dmarker)
                     I was once recipient of an autographed copy of the Bricker - (Ashton)

Reply with that mantra and - I won't ever be seeing your unread gloat.
60 ms