Can she possibly work it around to.. 'seeing' differently?
Seeing such assholes as, simply - sick? Like excessive consumption of brightly packaged goods, racism, fascism are a clear litmus for a degree of derangement..
Like Tourette's Syndrome \ufffd - involuntary. And to a large extent IMO, the spewing of Hate in its various overt & subtle forms - IS about personal inadequacy, made 'tolerable' by picking a Jew or a ___ as an onject which is even more Fucked than (I Know) I am.
Maybe the worst form of this pestilence is in the TeeVee preachers - for they wrap their pustulence in hypocritical Judgments from on High, imagining that this highly selective 'reading' of ancient mistranslated texts: is an excuse for spreading bigotry of the usual kind. And they do so with such Beatific smarls on their pudgy faces! Pleased as Punch are they.. doing God's Work and such..
How does your wife then, (currently) deal with the Sanctimonious Ones, when they attempt to mess with her head?
(If she can handle one of These guys' little sermons.. surely she can handle a race-baiter), while laughing inside and occasionally: Out Loud! = an excellent response to palpably inane behavior... and legit too, should a *Supervisor Drone* be horrifed.. and then the reasons are set out. Step-by-step, so a Supervisor can understand.. it..
Just a thought.. sometimes one Can change an attitude - usually from a deeper understanding of an er 'issue'. What such defectives 'say'.. has of course *Nothing* whatsoever to do with: Who She Is. (We just sometimes.. forget this, y'know?)
(Besides.. if we Could eliminate asshole parents, those passing on their depravities to a new generation - there might not be enough drones left to take out the garbage, and detail the UAVs on Saturdays..)
who is increasingly grateful, on encountering just one more civilized one.. amidst the noise of the rat-race!