Give yer wife a hug for me.
Next - this sounds like an excellent topic for a hungry young journalist's.. getting Noticed. You have already given enough data for any normal person to see the trend, to notice one more time: The real Cancer in Murica is the morphing of the Bizness Class into "health" and other matters about which they are heart-dead as well as brain dead. These Bizness droids are Killing-faster: whatever spirit still remains after - the same Corps created the 24/7 work-day, at half the pay of yore.
Raising cases to ~ 40 + voluntary Free Time: to try to forestall an utterly broken system - is futile (but anyone can see why she would want to try.. anyway). No one can sustain overload indefinitely. *No One*, even if some are heroic in extending...
This *needs* some HD *publicity* for your wifes's sake, yours, for all the 'clients' and most of all - for All Our 'Sake's..
Maybe that area is where next attention might gain the most?
Good luck - tell the Story.