Er, not entirely.
You see, my wife has never said to him whether or not she is asian. In fact, a lot of people mistake her as native american. The comment was slightly out of context - his son asked, "but dad, isn't she asian?" - that's what he replied back. So to him, he's justifying his own hatred of asians by denying that my wife, a decent person, is just another "good minority," not an "evil furriner."
If he's trying, he doesn't seem to be trying very hard. And it's not him that I'm really all that upset about - I'm more dissapointed in him than I am angry at him. It's my wife's SUPERVISOR, who won't let her transfer the case to somebody else, that I'm pissed at.
My wife is already at near burnout levels due to the extreme amount of shit coming out of this job - and so is just about everybody else at the agency. HMOs have ruined the mental health field for people in the entry level - they don't care about results any more, it's just about getting bodies in for a certain number of sessions, and then you're done with them, "cured" or no. Her supervisor is not helping.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche