Doug wrote:

Yup PS is pretty well known.

Thanks for the links. Since we're off-topic, I'll try to keep my comments short:

Nice to see the old place, a bit. E.g., photos at [link||]. The changes since the '60s, inevitable in a handover from the UK government to the English Schools Foundation are quite apparent: The big one is heterogeneity. Back then, the students were all-British other than me, my sister, and one other Yank -- and we got in over stiff official opposition. Bizarrely, no Chinese students, then! Or staff, I think. It was also run by a headmistress, vs. today's "principal", and didn't have a "PTA".

Creeping Americanism, or at the least fading of Empire, is mostly a blessing, I'm sure. I could have done without the mandatory singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers" and such at 10AM assembly, at least.

(We live in Discovery Bay which is at the tip of Lantau Island - the map doesn't show the big bridge from mainland to Lantau.

Lantau was a boat ride, back in the day. I remember Discovery Bay well, as we had friends there. Also at other points around HKI, such as Deepwater Bay, where we shot off fireworks for American Independence Day and Guy Fawkes Day, every year. (For Chinese New Year, of course, the fireworks came to you.)

Rick Moen