but*only* when I talk about terrorism or china.

Now it may be coincidental that Zhu Rongji (who I greatly admire) was in town for Mon-wed (I hadn't realised he was coming until I read some major speeches he made in HK.

Zhu is the Chinese Premier (out going). The security all over town was heavy - police everywhere & our usual walkways over the main road fenced off for 3 feet along each side inside.

Possibly the local security people have been vetting naything that might be taken to pose a threat.

(let me now see if this gets thru)



#1 - that got thru no trouble !!!.

Hmm but the 1st attempt to add further comments in edit mode got blocked !!!

#2 - 2nd attempt to add the prior blocked words got blocked - stupid part is that it contains no words that I can see that would justify blocking ??????