Augmented by pure dumbth, distraction, indifference in the mass.
There's MONEY to be made in this atmosphere of total surrender to a cabal. Compensations. Dreams of incredible [literally] ABM and other *'security' massive windfalls, spread among the largest contributors / Corporations - quite enough for maintaining the daily pabulum in the newsfotainment, the
Urgent! news releases on Dubya's talk to schoolchildren in that bucolic Incest County "old fashioned schoolhouse" -- and nada, zippo on what a few overseas Parliaments or (real, elected) Presidents are saying about it all.
* like the password boilerplate - which enabled instant! 1st priority on any materiel requisitioned for the Manhattan Project. Want a 400# sphere of Gold for neutron tests? Done.
Dunno.. it all seems so utterly STUPID; some days I can't quite believe that I haven't been transported to a parallel universe organized by Tweety Bird and Sylvester.
Bad puddy tat
Gonna fix puddy tat