Post #61,478
11/6/02 6:27:30 PM

Only 1 shows up for me on the front. It gives 1 star.
Funny that the average review for it is 4 stars, yet the only review on the front page is 1 star and if you dig (Under Customer Reviews in the box on the left) you can find one more review giving 5 stars from "Emily Wimminstone" and that sounds like satire to me.
The 1 star review is from someone in NC. Sounds a little like the Baptist Death Ray, but not quite. I'll post it if you still can't find it.
Cheers, Scott.
Post #61,479
11/6/02 6:32:01 PM

There are none on the page I see.
Nor is there a link to Customer Reviews anywhere on the page.
Some kind of targeted page construction? Don't show reviews to certain people?
Now I'm paranoid...
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #61,482
11/6/02 6:36:18 PM

Could be...
I'm pretty sure they change prices for various customers. I'm not logged into Amazon at the moment, are you? Anyway... 1 star (of 5) Dear God it'scome to this, October 26, 2002
Reviewer: A reader from Raleigh, NC USA Here's a few ideas for all we can have fun in the workplace: We cap CEO salaries so they're not making 400 times what the average worker is making. We get a decent national health care system so Americans have a choice besides enslaving themselves to corporations. We give all Americans a decent amount of vacation. We apply labor laws across the board, ending the 60 to 70 hour work week that so many of us now routinely endure. We stop shipping our skilled jobs overseas. That's how we can all have fun in the workplace.
See, here's the problem - if you're a manager who forced this nonsense on your employees you probably didn't bother to ask them if they wanted a toy fish. If they wanted a "sand box." It probably never even occured to you to step up to one of your employees and ask "how would you like to be humiliated and treated like a small child? How would you like to be forced to go home after 9 awful hours and bake cookies for everyone in the office to avoid being labeled 'not a team player'?" Because that's what "living the fish! philosophy" really means.
None of it even occured to you, and that's the problem. From some particularly cruel act of fate you, who think that handing out children's toys to adults is treating them with respect, have somehow become a cog in the ever-turning wheels of power in this country. Somehow, people with the emotinal awareness of 2 year olds and the intellectual debth of sand crabs have taken control, and the rest of us are being forced to suffer for it.
Anything which can be written out on a 3x5 card is not a philosophy. Anything which involves handing out a stuffed fish is not respect. It's a good rant. Cheers, Scott. (Who'd like to know how Bender found this!)
Post #61,484
11/6/02 6:48:22 PM

I was logged in.
However, logging out didn't change the display any. Very strange.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #61,528
11/6/02 9:54:53 PM

Curiouser and curiouser...
I can see the customer reviews from home!
Logged in as the same person... only difference would be IP address. Even the browser is the same.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #61,534
11/6/02 10:11:12 PM

I've not been able to see them at all.
Must be pissed because we have [link||Indigo] up here.
--\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\r\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\r\n* Laval Qu\ufffdbec Canada [link|news://|news://] *\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #61,622
11/7/02 11:12:34 AM

Heh. Found it 'cause it was on a wish list...
...and yes, it's the wish list of a friend, but brrr! he's a manager here. Don't think I'll be buyin' it for him.
Many fears are born of stupidity and ignorance - Which you should be feeding with rumour and generalisation. BOfH, 2002 "Episode" 10
Post #61,722
11/7/02 5:58:47 PM

Send him the text of the review instead! :-)
"Career politicians are inherently untrustworthy; if it spends its life buzzing around the outhouse, it\ufffds probably a fly." - [link||Walter Mead]
Post #61,581
11/7/02 9:11:07 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong...
...but, this guy you're talking about, The 1 star review is from someone in NC. Sounds a little like the Baptist Death Ray, but not quite. , "the Baptist Death Ray" -- that's someone [link||we know], isn't it?
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #61,585
11/7/02 9:39:12 AM

Yup. That's him. I don't know if he wrote the rant though.
Post #61,590
11/7/02 9:47:40 AM

Doubt he has the time, what with moving house and all... :-)