You left out the OTHER bits.
He also claimed that I had defended tyranny in the past. Yet he has not posted any links to support that claim.
Stop fixating on minor points and try to understand that no one really cares if it was a wall, a fence or a goddamn strip of yellow tape but you.
Like I said, it is part of the pattern he has. Sprinkle the facts in with the lies and then attempt to shift the blame when he is called on the lies.
I hereby declare that whenever you see the word "wall" you will replace it with the word "barrier".
Wall == "barrier"
Fence == "barrier"
Wall == Fence
Works in math.
Fails in language.
Tell you what. If I accept that, then you accept all of Bush's little mis-statements and such?
Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to war we go!
I guess the correct usage of language is just a problem that
I have. Not anyone else.