Well said. I've been called a liar by him also.
Not just..I think you are lying on topic X.....
just outright a liar.......
I think Brandi will use *anything* to "win".
I was somewhat shocked to hear him described as
having perfect logic. He definitely tries to portray
this in his posting style......sometimes he even
succeeds :-) One aspect of the style is to break your
post into discrete sections then seem to be addressing each
one in turn. But he will intentionally avoid or simply dismiss
your best points. All the while his radar is up for your most
benign inconsistency/mistake which then becomes his primary focus.
He excuses his own mistakes with defences which he would not accord
another in a heartbeat. I can't be bothered to get the link...but I
remember him claiming that I was asking him to use "weasel words" when
he had over generalised on something or other.
If he makes an error of fact/judgement....he will keep slicin' and keep dicin' his arguments and eventually he will find himself at a place he can defend again. If its something he can't slice/dice........... he's outta there.
If you make a good point he sees absolutely nothing wrong with dismissing
it with the most absurd and/or vacuous responses...and then moving quickly on to his agenda.
You have to hand it to him, its definitely an effective style of argument. I balk at having it described as sophisticated or logical though.
He has adopted positions which (in my opinion) fly squarely in the face
of logic. But that's just my opinion...I could be wrong.
Even though Brandioch can be annoying.....we still keep coming back don't we?
I'd rather be with him than be without him. He's an important fixture in the community.
Anyway.....my two cents.
P.S. All in all I like to listen more than I like to talk...which is why you will see me go silent for long periods.
But when I *do* write .. I think the most satisfying moments are when you
get some positive feedback from someone else. "Nice point" can make an otherwise grey day seem great. Oh that...and triggering an enormous thread.
I get a kick out of that too :-)