No, now you need "reading with comprehension".
Let's just suppose you're right. I give it to you that I misquoted you.
Is that IT? Is that the best you've got to crow over. C'mon. Come ON!
#1. You didn't understand what I meant by "friendly" in reference to Kuwait.
#2. You claimed I was inconsistent and that I had, previously, claimed that Kuwait was friendly (no quotes).
#3. You went and found a previous post of mine where I had typed that BUT YOU COMPLETELY MISSED THE CONTEXT OF THE POST and that specific line.
#4. When it FINALLY became too much, even for you, to deny, you claimed you were joking.
#5. THEN, you want it to be ME who reacted weird when YOU "misquoted" me.
#6. NOW! You STILL want to argue over whether I should have disproven Mr. Pathetic's statement about Kuwait when I was illustrating his lack of knowledge regarding that region.
Ummmm naaaaaaaaaaaaah I won't give it to you. Can't do it.
You claim that you were simply re-phrasing Bill Patients remarks
and you wanted no part of the point? Bullshit and you know it.
The problem is this. If you had ANY problem whatsoever with the "friendly"
moniker you would have been all over that shit like white on rice.
But you weren't were you? The reason.........that was your position...
not only Bill's.
So, I've already established that you don't understand what was meant by Kuwait being "friendly"..
I've established that you couldn't understand the CONTEXT of my post that you linked to....
You're going to argue what my position was regarding Kuwait in the post that you've linked?
You don't understand sarcasm or context yet you claim to know what my position is?
My position is that you are lying. Yes I am calling you a liar.
(I learned this technique from you).
Ummmmmmm, isn't that similar to what you accused me of earlier?
Well, yes, I think it is.
I couldn't be a LIAR if I didn't claim that I wasn't claiming that Kuwait was a friend of the US's after I'd just used sarcasm when refering to Kuwait as a "friend".
Since you've lost on the CONTEXT issue, you'll claim that you understand what my original position was regarding Kuwait.
You can't even understand my position when I put "friendly" in QUOTES!
Yet you can deduce my position based upon what I don't make a point of disagreeing with?
You are being disingenuous in your careful interpretation of what you think you can claim to have said.
What I THINK I can CLAIM to have SAID?
Ummm, there's this thing called a "link". I think you might be familiar with it.
Am I too esoteric in my phrasing for you?
No. No the kid.
Rather, since you've been beaten SO BADLY! (and PUBLICLY).....
You're going to narrow your focus sooooooo much that you'll take ONE SENTENCE from me........
and deduce my opinion from that.
But, wasn't CONTEXT one of the things (besides sarcasm) that I have demonstrated you do NOT understand?
Keep it up!