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New Re: Lost Nuke
Hmmm... wasn't there a bomber lost off the coast of Spain? And who knows how many the Soviets have lost.
New US sub as well
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
     Lost Nuke - (jlalexander) - (15)
         Two words. - (inthane-chan)
         The nuke outside Savannah? - (boxley)
         Some specs on the MK-15 - (Ashton) - (1)
             Robo boo boo - (tablizer)
         How viable? - (wharris2) - (1)
             Yes and no. - (Ashton)
         Re: Thank god I am on the otherside of the planet - (dmarker2) - (4)
             Right, and, the main danger from nukes . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                 LRPD says: "Thanks for playing..."__________:-P -NT - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Mine said: First came the dinosaurs, - (drewk)
             Funny you should say that. - (a6l6e6x)
         "No detonation was observed." - (CRConrad) - (1)
             That's blindingly obvious. -NT - (inthane-chan)
         Re: Lost Nuke - (qstephens) - (1)
             US sub as well -NT - (boxley)

Otherwise there are Deliverance theme parks.
104 ms