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New A reversal of opinion + a Lot of innuendo
Clearly there is a reason to question Ritter's 'conversion'. Who knows (what he knew, discovered) ? But $400K - for the costs of making a movie, presumably to demonstrate -?- is hardly sufficient an amount to simply sell one's soul.

The problem with the -?- he may wish to demonstrate: is the proving of a negative. And with even implicit cooperation of the Baghdad regime - seemingly a fool's errand. I don't pretend to understand R or his motives; initially and then - the reversal. Less fathomable is - how he imagines that anything he might photograph in Iraq could be convincing negative evidence.

None of this stuff proves that Ritter is either renegade or dishonest; it may suggest that he is naive - but we don't know enough even to be sure he Can't! somehow produce some convincing evidence that Saddam has made little progress in the non-inspection years. (No one could convince us that S. no longer wishes to acquire lethal toys, of course).

Anyway, in the days of bizness-CIEIOS raking in hundreds of millions PER YEAR [ONLY in the US, of course], extorted from their Corporations as perks: $400K doesn't mean shit. Not for your whole life and reputation. (If I infer correctly - that is not his *salary* but is to do with covering production costs. What does that leave for him? You don't know.)

Case unproven, IMhO.


Edit PS:

For another take on Butler, Ritter + local links (to FAIR, for one), try [link|http://elayneriggs.blogspot.com/|here.] Since it's a blog, operative date is 9/13. No affidavits there either.
Collapse Edited by Ashton Sept. 14, 2002, 04:39:54 AM EDT
A reversal of opinion + a Lot of innuendo
Clearly there is a reason to question Ritter's 'conversion'. Who knows (what he knew, discovered) ? But $400K - for the costs of making a movie, presumably to demonstrate -?- is hardly sufficient an amount to simply sell one's soul. The problem with the -?- he may wish to demonstrate: is the proving of a negative. And with even implicit cooperation of the Baghdad regime - seemingly a fool's errand. I don't pretend to understand R or his motives; initially and then - the reversal. Less fathomable is - how he imagines that anything he might photograph in Iraq could be convincing negative evidence. None of this stuff proves that Ritter is either renegade or dishonest; it may suggest that he is naive - but we don't know enough even to be sure he Can't! somehow produce some convincing evidence that Saddam has made little progress in the non-inspection years. (No one could convince us that S. no longer wishes to acquire lethal toys, of course). Anyway, in the days of bizness-CIEIOS raking in hundreds of millions PER YEAR [ONLY in the US, of course], extorted from their Corporations as perks: $400K doesn't mean shit. Not for your whole life and reputation. (If I infer correctly - that is not his *salary* but is to do with covering production costs. What does that leave for him? You don't know.) Case unproven, IMhO. Ashton
New $400K not enough to sell out?
Hansen sold secrets over a 15 year period for a mere $1.4 million.
New Re: Hansen was a spy Ritter is a loyalist

It is pathetic to claim that Ritter is a spy or on the take because of making a video about conditions he has been very close to.

Take the blinkers off & see things for what they are.


New Re: Hansen was a spy Ritter is a loyalist
I don't see any claims that Ritter is a spy. Just that he may well have sold out. He's certainly changed his tune in the past four years, one wonders what brought that on, and why, when four years ago he was kicked out, he was decrying Iraq's weapons stashes, and why he's now so certain Iraq hasn't been able to rebuild in the four years since UN inspections ceased.

Me, I'd think four years is plenty of time to build lots of nasty stuff, even if it isn't nukes.
The lawyers would mostly rather be what they are than get out of the way even if the cost was Hammerfall. - Jerry Pournelle
New I imply no such thing
Even if Ritter did the worst of the accusations, it is very pale comparison to Hansen's work, nearly harmless.

I was just addressing the issue of the amount of money it takes for someone to sell out. It doesn't take much for some people; they just want the intrigue or 15 minutes of fame, the money is secondary.
     Intriguing: Ritter just called Butler a liar on CNN - (dmarker2) - (24)
         Doug, how much is being paid to ritter and by who :-) -NT - (boxley) - (18)
             When did he stop beating his wife?__:( -NT - (Ashton) - (5)
                 Right after he cashed his 400k iraqi check :) -NT - (boxley) - (4)
                     Hyperbole or ya got an affidavit? - (Ashton) - (3)
                         I have no opinions on his character, either. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                             excuse me! almost accusing him of what! - (boxley) - (1)
                                 Is Iraq an enemy of the US? - (Brandioch)
             Re: Box - I prefer to deal with what is observed - (dmarker2) - (10)
                 links and proofs - (boxley) - (9)
                     Re: links and proofs - what proofs - (dmarker2) - (3)
                         Okay Doug - (boxley) - (2)
                             Re: Nup - (dmarker2) - (1)
                                 fair enough - (boxley)
                     A reversal of opinion + a Lot of innuendo - (Ashton) - (4)
                         $400K not enough to sell out? - (rsf) - (3)
                             Re: Hansen was a spy Ritter is a loyalist - (dmarker2) - (2)
                                 Re: Hansen was a spy Ritter is a loyalist - (wharris2)
                                 I imply no such thing - (rsf)
             How he makes his money. - (a6l6e6x)
         my apologies to Doug and personally to Scott Ritter - (boxley) - (4)
             Re: Bill - no worries mate - takes ... - (dmarker2)
             Re: I found this article which accurately states his case - (dmarker2) - (2)
                 SF Chronicle take - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Re: Texas 1846 - Australia 2xxx - the glory, the defeat - (dmarker2)

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