MultiPlan was a huge freaking *revelation* to me.
First semester at university, the second or third course I took was Bizniss Administraychun; they introduced us to something called a "spreadsheet", which I fell pretty much in love with. That spreadsheet was MultiPlan, "for DOS", I assume -- can't be quite sure, 'coz the machines we ran it on were (as often happened in those days) not-quite-compatible "almost-PCs" from, IIRC, Wang.
Two reflections on MultiPlan:
1: If BA had been the first subject where I met computers, that might well have been what I later specialized in; thank the GRR the first was Statistics, so I wasn't imprinted, duckling-like, on MultiPlan but on MiniTab (a statistical package [cum-{crude-}programming-language]).
2: Does Excel still do that "C1R2" thing for absolute references, and "[C-1][R-2]" for relative? I know it did up until at least version 5, and given M$' fetish for backwards compatibility, probably later too... And that *still* seems so much more logical to me than the damn stupid Artoo-Detoo system they copied (I assume?) from Lotus.
Christian R. Conrad
Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=42971|Andrew Grygus]