Post #444,019
4/19/24 10:30:31 PM
4/19/24 10:30:31 PM
Stop enjoying what I don't (or feel too guilty to) enjoy!
How does a culture that indoctrinates that not die off just from mass suicide? Full-Time depression as a way of life is not that attractive.
Also, my music is not muzak, it is very tasty. I don't take whatever's thrown at me, I choose everything I listen to. It's not a requirement for life but it sure adds a whole bunch of spice to make it more pleasurable. And it's not full-time. I haven't turned any music on today. But just having the choice sitting there makes me feel good.
Post #444,027
4/22/24 3:01:16 AM
4/22/24 3:01:16 AM
No no, you keep on enjoying whatever the fuck you want to enjoy.
Just don't fool yourself into ignoring what it actually is you're enjoying -- freedom from thought -- or thinking that not listening to your own thoughts -- not thinking -- is necessarily a good thing.
I mean, you indulge in the Weed, but there you do it as a calculated risk, don't you? You know it probably isn't good for you, but you decide to do it anyway to some limited extent that you feel you can afford. I think there is some such extent beyond which people can't afford to numb their brains with muzak either. And yes, good for you that you seem to treat your "music" (however "tasty" your personal brand of muzak may be...) the same way.
But judging from how indiscriminately and incessantly most people seem to be blaring stuff at their own brains, that idea never occurred to most people. So they don't do that calculation and just blithely pop in their earbuds and drown out whatever they otherwise might be thinking, for far too much of their limited time on Earth. That's why I'm all in favour of you doing whatever the fuck you want to your brain -- it's yours, not mine, after all, so your problem, not mine -- but I'm not in favour of you or anyone else minimising this issue, or (the ultimate minimising) even acknowledging that it even exists at all.
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #444,031
4/22/24 10:38:53 AM
4/22/24 10:38:53 AM
"Drowning out your thoughts" is orthogonal to "listening to music".
Personally, music helps me organize my thoughts. YMMV, and apparently does.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #444,033
4/22/24 3:35:38 PM
4/22/24 3:36:21 PM
Re: No no, you keep on enjoying whatever the fuck you want to enjoy.
Bold of you to assume all the things you assume here: Just don’t fool yourself into ignoring what it actually is you’re enjoying – freedom from thought – or thinking that not listening to your own thoughts – not thinking – is necessarily a good thing. ETA: Also, have you considered that the problem is you, and you’re basically incompetent at listening to music whilst doing other things?
Edited by pwhysall
April 22, 2024, 03:36:21 PM EDT
Post #444,042
4/25/24 12:49:08 PM
4/25/24 12:49:08 PM
Nope, that's not it. Neither of them.
Bold of you to assume all the things you assume here:Just don’t fool yourself into ignoring what it actually is you’re enjoying – freedom from thought – or thinking that not listening to your own thoughts – not thinking – is necessarily a good thing. Can't really see how that's much of an asumption. It's what people here have pretty much said themselves. have you considered that the problem is you, and you’re basically incompetent at listening to music whilst doing other things? No, I don't think that's it. I just don't see why I would want to. Why should I? But yeah, I think I can chew bubblegum and walk at the same time.
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #444,043
4/25/24 1:18:59 PM
4/25/24 1:18:59 PM
It’s not what people have said at all
In fact, Scott said “Personally, music helps me organize my thoughts”, which is the stone cold opposite of what you’re saying.
Look, you do you. You enjoy listening to the sound of your own inner monologue reminding you you’re right all the time? Awesome. Knock yourself out.
But don’t bring your “can’t listen to music and think at the same time” energy around here and expect it to be a shared experience.
And I have no idea what that video is all about, other than “thanks, I hate it”.
Post #444,044
4/25/24 3:30:14 PM
4/25/24 3:30:14 PM
Better Swedish music:
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #444,045
4/25/24 4:53:36 PM
4/25/24 4:53:36 PM
Sweden has explaining to do.
Post #444,046
4/25/24 9:07:00 PM
4/25/24 9:07:00 PM
Someone recorded this and put it out for other people to critique on purpose?!
At a minute I started hitting buttons to try to at least understand a translation. No translation. Oh well. No. I will not assault my senses with this garbage. People do this on purpose?
In the old days I used to listen to Black Sabbath. Many intros in Black Sabbath was random garbage. Like these people just got their first guitar lesson. It was crap. And then little bits and pieces built from the edges. And then you find out how masterful it was. It all came together in this incredible crescendo of perfection. I'm not giving this video the 10 minutes to see if it's going to get there. I do nothing all day and yet I still would not give this particular video that time out of my life. Unless you tell me it's worth it as opposed to something you posted just to torture me.
Post #444,049
4/26/24 9:54:30 AM
4/26/24 9:54:30 AM
It's 10 minutes of the same 30 second loop.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #444,047
4/25/24 9:12:01 PM
4/25/24 9:12:01 PM
Strobe warning!
Holy s***! Are you trying to trigger seizures!?
Okay, yes. Sweden's got some explaining to do. This is not music. Computer!!! Create me noise that will cause seizures in humans! Computer response: Got it!
But: I have no idea what they're saying. Give me some English translation so I have a better idea of what they are trying to do here. I have no idea how to even try. Exercise left to reader.
Post #444,048
4/26/24 12:43:16 AM
4/26/24 12:43:16 AM
Reader = you. Start with the video title. Or read the comments.
Post #444,050
4/26/24 9:55:55 AM
4/26/24 9:55:55 AM
K. Actually not. GIYF FFS, don't be so lazy.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #444,051
4/26/24 10:18:09 PM
4/26/24 10:18:09 PM
trigger seazures? listen to Abba
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #444,039
4/25/24 11:53:20 AM
4/25/24 12:39:50 PM
Get off my lawn alert
Uh-Oh, I triggered the smartest man alive.
For many years I nurtured the illusion that I was the smartest guy in the room. Except for the most part, I knew it wasn't true because I chose the people that were in the room. I hired them as part of my team and I wanted them smarter than me because I knew the smarter they were the better my team would be. Executives would always discount the smarter people around me and tried to stroke me by telling me how smart I was. Because they knew that as long as they kept me happy they'd make money.
I didn't care about the stroking but I sure loved the salary. They didn't realize that style of stroking is insulting. I don't give a s*** what you think of my code. You can't possibly understand my code or the effort that went into my code. But here you are telling me how brilliant I am because of my code. This could be pig Latin for all you knew and you'd still be saying the same thing. Executive stroking is annoying. Good thing the job was usually fun.
I knew my place in the world then and I know it now. I was a part of a team of three people whose project ended in the result of the death of 60,000 people in the United States as of a certain date about 8 years ago according to the radio report. So I figure I'm personally responsible for the death of 20,000 people. This was not a weapons project. This was a junk mail project. So I have an oversized sensitivity of the ability of individuals to actually have a large impact on other people. Usually negatively though. Something tells me you're still trying to figure yourself out.
At this point I'm not competing in the tech world. At this point I don't have any personal situation where I need to be competing with anyone. That's when I have to be smart. F*** that, I'd rather be happy.
The roughest moment of my life on a daily basis is trying to figure out what the f*** that noise was?! The cat just grabbed something and flung it across the room. And then it comes barreling at me and throws its 20 lb body against my chest and nuzzles my neck and we cuddle and purr. What did you do today that made you that happy, the level of happiness I have every 10 minutes? That's it. The roughest moment is a step just below joy.
Besides music, you want to know the perfect distraction to zone into? Kitten videos, puppy videos, puppy and kitten together videos. Get that oxytocin running. You probably want me to stop watching those too.
So yes, I will keep on enjoying my life, thank you very much, with or without music.
Edited by crazy
April 25, 2024, 12:25:46 PM EDT
Edited by crazy
April 25, 2024, 12:39:50 PM EDT