This has the makings of an astronomically expanded Dr. Louis Slotin* caper--be very afraid.

" He whose scerwdriver slipped on that near-Critical pile of U blocks.
But.. he had the decency, brains + guts to tell people to stand. there! (where they were), as he scribbled 'distances': knowing he WAS DeadManTalking-fershure.

(The Beginning or the End was a B&W contemporary movie) ... meaning that: the unwashed got at least a verisimilitude-of:
h.t.f. "critical mass" begets Fission (no matter What you'd had in mind--kinda like COVID), eh?

Time is Nature's illusion that, everything isn't happening at Once. Actually, it Is.
(But our beta-experimental-brainz aren't big enough to contain both 'cases', I wot)