Wages of all sources are combined to determine eligibility. Hours and number of employers do not directly play into it. {If only full-time workers qualified, half the state would be eligible for ANFC the second they lose a job. VT is a rural state and small farms are going the way of the dodo. Chittenden county, with Burlington as the center, is the only area with a growing economic base. The other 13 counties are generally in precarious condition. If Canada ever opens the maple sugar spigot, we'll really be hurtin'.)
Reasons for disqualification: not having worked 4 consecutive quarters in an 18 month base period, not having at least one quarter above a minimum income amount, or having the income of the lowest quarter being less than 40% of the highest quarter.
The floor is tied to the minimum wage and is now $2386. (At $10.50/hour, that comes to ~17 hrs/week.)
Based on the information available, she likely fell short of the base period. But I think that limitation is similar nationwide as it is part of the pay-as-you-go system. (Other possibility is the 40% trap, but then it looks like one of the jobs is way overstated.)
Gory details. They are accurate. I didn't link to the VT DOL because that involves downloading a PDF.
(Sad thing is that, overall, I do agree with their premise that the gig crap is toxic and it further undermines whatever is left of any safety nets. It's just that they could have picked a better fitting example, even in VT.)
Reasons for disqualification: not having worked 4 consecutive quarters in an 18 month base period, not having at least one quarter above a minimum income amount, or having the income of the lowest quarter being less than 40% of the highest quarter.
The floor is tied to the minimum wage and is now $2386. (At $10.50/hour, that comes to ~17 hrs/week.)
Based on the information available, she likely fell short of the base period. But I think that limitation is similar nationwide as it is part of the pay-as-you-go system. (Other possibility is the 40% trap, but then it looks like one of the jobs is way overstated.)
Gory details. They are accurate. I didn't link to the VT DOL because that involves downloading a PDF.
(Sad thing is that, overall, I do agree with their premise that the gig crap is toxic and it further undermines whatever is left of any safety nets. It's just that they could have picked a better fitting example, even in VT.)