asking for an explanation of the vig
will be sending a redacted email to the governor comissioner of mdes and local news
asking for an explanation of the vig "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman |
sent to governor mdes and local news outlet
Good Morning, My daughter iss 22 years old uneducated, single with 2 small children. She finally started out to work on her own as an oil change tech then a housekeeper at gulfcoast hotels then Covid19 Struck. She applied for unemployment and naturally was not eligible for regular unemployment but was granted the federal cares act amount of $600 weekly which allowed her to keep her head above water. The other day she received the following message, I have attached a redacted copy to this email. It had been determined that all 7 weeks she had been paid was considered an overpayment ($4200) So the state of Mississippi requires repayment of all funds. I don't understand why but if not allowed should be repaid. However I have a real issue with the following statement. The Mississippi Department Of Employment security has determined that you owe $10,346.00 includes principle, interest and process costs. That amount is usurious beyond usury. I am including a local news outlet to see if my daughter is not the only one being dealt with in this way and I find it interesting that it happens just days before the program ends. Governor I don't expect a specific reply, just an assurance to look to make sure that the process if fair and equitable and to see where the amount of more than double what was owed came from. thank you for your time. "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman |
Fingers crossed + experience:
I'd go so far as.. given its brevity and its Al Punte at root: you just might hear from The Gov. :-) But.. as my Mater oft said, "You can't get blood out of a turnip". And I have experience of when THEY make Mistreaks--overpaying for Example--at least in CA (though Soc-Sec is obv. Fed.) ... you can pay-back-as-Possible, and apparently with so trivial an amount as ... to be a very. long. time. Do look into how That works: their initial dunning-threats omit that aspect--but IME, on phone--you CAN work out a deal; mainly they Do [tacitly] recognize that THEY screwed-up and if you used the windfall already, surely a common result: they don't even try the, "put 'em in the stocks outside the Courthouse" shtik. However, this IS the Menace-dominated End-times :-/ so YMMV |
Similar situation in VT.
In Picking Up Work Here and There, Many Miss Out on Unemployment Check For millions of people, making a living is a cobbled-together proposition. That leaves a hole in the safety net when things turn bad. Alex "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov |
Something does not compute
I don't deal with Vermont's unemployment eligibility determinations but AFAIK, the system here is not that onerous. Wages from all jobs are included. Something is missing from the article to make sense of why they used this example in the way they did. |
You possess the Chops--care to pulse the Writer on exactly that allegation? join War-on-Disinfo! ;^>
I think it is that no job was at least 40 hours.
Annie Frodeman often worked 40 hours a week or more — full time by most lights. She just worked them at two jobs.She was working two part-time jobs. Alex "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov |
That sounds unlikely
Wages of all sources are combined to determine eligibility. Hours and number of employers do not directly play into it. {If only full-time workers qualified, half the state would be eligible for ANFC the second they lose a job. VT is a rural state and small farms are going the way of the dodo. Chittenden county, with Burlington as the center, is the only area with a growing economic base. The other 13 counties are generally in precarious condition. If Canada ever opens the maple sugar spigot, we'll really be hurtin'.) Reasons for disqualification: not having worked 4 consecutive quarters in an 18 month base period, not having at least one quarter above a minimum income amount, or having the income of the lowest quarter being less than 40% of the highest quarter. The floor is tied to the minimum wage and is now $2386. (At $10.50/hour, that comes to ~17 hrs/week.) Based on the information available, she likely fell short of the base period. But I think that limitation is similar nationwide as it is part of the pay-as-you-go system. (Other possibility is the 40% trap, but then it looks like one of the jobs is way overstated.) Gory details. They are accurate. I didn't link to the VT DOL because that involves downloading a PDF. (Sad thing is that, overall, I do agree with their premise that the gig crap is toxic and it further undermines whatever is left of any safety nets. It's just that they could have picked a better fitting example, even in VT.) |
Yep, no mention of 40 hours.
Alex "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov |
Yeah ..we are drowned in uncountable [N+] recursive GOTCHA!s ... with few brains in sight or sound.
This has the makings of an astronomically expanded Dr. Louis Slotin* caper--be very afraid. " He whose scerwdriver slipped on that near-Critical pile of U blocks. But.. he had the decency, brains + guts to tell people to stand. there! (where they were), as he scribbled 'distances': knowing he WAS DeadManTalking-fershure. (The Beginning or the End was a B&W contemporary movie) ... meaning that: the unwashed got at least a verisimilitude-of: h.t.f. "critical mass" begets Fission (no matter What you'd had in mind--kinda like COVID), eh? Time is Nature's illusion that, everything isn't happening at Once. Actually, it Is. (But our beta-experimental-brainz aren't big enough to contain both 'cases', I wot) |