Post #435,318
7/22/20 9:05:53 PM
7/22/20 9:05:53 PM

See Scoenye's post below about the dry-run aspect of this
He may not have read a book in years, but he's read that one. His dad and grandfather were KKK, and krauts to boot. He does in fact know what he's doing, and he's got people (Joseph Goebbels I mean Stephen Miller) to do the legwork for him.
As the kids like to say, it's going down.
Post #435,323
7/23/20 1:14:39 AM
7/23/20 1:14:39 AM

Did you see the Wallace interview?
The man is physically broken, and that's after 3.5 years of being the laziest president in living memory. The 100-day run to the election is going to utterly ruin him. I would not be surprised if he were to withdraw on health grounds/to spend more time with his familymoney/etc. I mean, I don't think he will - the smart money is on him lumbering dat ass over the line, and having to be escorted by the Sgt@arms out of 1600 Penn. Ave. on the 20th of Jan 21, if he doesn't give our Merkin siblings FOUR MORE YEARS of MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Post #435,325
7/23/20 5:41:35 AM
7/23/20 5:41:35 AM

He's not going to withdraw
and he's going to be willing to do anything to keep the job, because as soon as he's out there are indictments to unseal.
Post #435,333
7/23/20 11:54:12 AM
7/23/20 11:54:13 AM

Alternatively . . .
. . he could get Air Force One fueled up and make a break for Russia.
Post #435,334
7/23/20 12:30:28 PM
7/23/20 12:30:28 PM

That has crossed my mind too!
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #435,345
7/23/20 5:33:41 PM
7/23/20 5:33:41 PM

Love to See! that escapade.. thence Putin's very first Question:
[by phone, from Kremlin]
Donald ..who?
Post #435,350
7/23/20 6:30:18 PM
7/23/20 6:30:18 PM

Wonder if Snowden will let him couchsurf...
... no Trump Tower in Moscow, after all.
Post #435,347
7/23/20 5:52:45 PM
7/23/20 5:52:45 PM

TBH, the protester are doing it wrong
They need to occupy the courthouse and post armed overwatch sentries targeting the feds. *Then* they would be in the clear.
Post #435,351
7/23/20 6:32:57 PM
7/23/20 6:32:57 PM

Post #435,353
7/23/20 9:29:40 PM
7/23/20 9:29:40 PM

Mostly. Remember that other Oregon stand-off?
Post #435,359
7/24/20 12:37:15 AM
7/24/20 12:37:15 AM

You might notice a (highly visible) difference
Post #435,375
7/24/20 5:21:53 PM
7/24/20 5:21:53 PM

I can think if 2
1. Nice, well organized WASP militia folks out West; mixed rabble in the East (snark) 2. A real President in the White House. (no snark)
Post #435,383
7/24/20 10:38:24 PM
7/24/20 10:38:24 PM

obviously there are no riots or a city out of control pics
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman