Ah, dieldren - and let's not forget aldrin (No-Pest strips, Shell House & Garden sprays)... My old man was 'in' on those, too.
I remember my father choking with laughter during the 'ad campaign' against DDT (Silent Spring featured prominently there) when a talk-show host had a guest that mentioned an 'insecticide' that killed her father.
He recognized it. (I don't remember what it was - I was rather young)
It was illegal.
The farmer was spraying for CROWS, not insects.
I have more faith in my father's evaluation of our chemical lifestyle than you find in science news and journals (though he WAS a bit of a 'mad scientist', truth to tell... He 'insect-proofed' our house with his own noxious, unapproved brew along the foundations when it was being built - we've never had problems with bugs since... *grin*).
I still believe it's more business/politics than science.