I just re-read those comments. I think it's important to recall that I had a lot more faith in Americans when I wrote that than I do now. Trump's presidency has created the amount of harm that I thought he'd probably be able to pull off in two terms, not two years. And that, I thought back then, would be enough for people to flood the streets. But Americans are xenophobic, vapid creatures on the whole and there is an argument to be made that we actually deserve Trump notwithstanding the fact that in 2015 I had far too much faith in the American People and my misguided belief that they would actually rebel against right wing horror if only they could see it clearly enough.
If they don't see it now and are not moved to strike against it, they never will. Someone once said before the 2016 election that they didn't know if Trump would be the next President, but that he would be our last. If I were still living in California, I'd be working my ass off for the Calexit movement.
I don't think we can recover from Trump. I think we have to look at other nations to help us. The comedian Johnny Vegas has suggested and excellent idea. (Context: they've been discussing Melanoma's jacket and the US locking up children. The whole thing's only 4 minutes and worth watching, but my link cuts to the point I'm attempting to make here.)
If they don't see it now and are not moved to strike against it, they never will. Someone once said before the 2016 election that they didn't know if Trump would be the next President, but that he would be our last. If I were still living in California, I'd be working my ass off for the Calexit movement.
I don't think we can recover from Trump. I think we have to look at other nations to help us. The comedian Johnny Vegas has suggested and excellent idea. (Context: they've been discussing Melanoma's jacket and the US locking up children. The whole thing's only 4 minutes and worth watching, but my link cuts to the point I'm attempting to make here.)