they are intended just to comfort with slogans about "theSafetyoftheMuricanPeepul", no matter how ineffectively. Ignoring the ever-unwanted side effects all around, is relatively easy for a theologically-motivated Admin such as this one proves to be, on its record. (There's a certain fatalism which appears to comfort o'erweeningly, those who imagine Gawd Be on Our Side; so never mind actually Thinking about root causes n'such - y'know?)
Some may think that Gawd will work out the division between C\ufffdsar |and| Her, as in, not-to-worry.. Others prefer retention of the Constitutional separation of personal fanciful musings and The State.
I wonder why it is that, Republicrats (Democans?) so frequently manage to come up with proposals which insult the intelligence of a guinea hen - meanwhile it's coming up on 7 months since the dastardly deed. Has this all just been paralysis by analysis?
C'mon BeeP: craft us a workable Plan already! - enough of these amateur Pols with eyes on the Prize. We need something Clever AND Constitutional, and with some vague chance of actually allowing *individual intelligence* to aid effective noticing of weirdness which suggests malevolence. And a means for separating-out the inevitable cockamamie Alarmists from.. the shrewdly Observant folk. (Hey, it's OK if it is also Economically feasible too ;-)
Trying to spell-out in great detail, what we are supposed to be vigilant about is to: focus on the box-cutters and airplanes as if...
So.. how do we legislate the umm "unleashing of Native American Intelligence" with the words Democrat- Republican- completely eliminated from the prose?