On Democracy Now tonight, Jill Wine-Banks (Ass't Prosecutor in Watergate proceedings) ... makes the case in spades. Further (via D-Now) a clip shows Sessions (!)
querying Yates: (!!) about this Very Question of "opposing a President's wishes!"
(as Sessions just now awaits the verdict for hisself.) And as Wine-Banks and others noted: (I paraphrase)

Thus far it's been The Women observing that the new Wannabe Emperor is not only bereft of clothes, of honest-advisors (and the wits to determine such matters),
but there's a paucity of political-animal Males, stating the obvious about this deranged Suit in the WH.

It's gonna be Abu Ghraib for The English Language as everyone pussyfoots around the increasingly obvious quagmire: a Deranged CIEIO ..a stone's throw from the Bagman
Actually present in the W.H. as we speak. Thus far, everything he touches: BREAKS.
Midas lives? Or is this just Murican Karma doing the prescribed Biting-on-Ass. Belatedly.