... with one of the neighbors that is considering the same thing. Her cat, Tuffy, jumped right out of her arms one day with the same type of seizure that Jazmine suffered, and was put to sleep by the vet within hours. We would have done the same with Jaz had it not been 5 AM. At least we know what to expect when we have another animal go through this. I've already had another neighborhood cat have an unusual eppelectic seizure on my lap and chomp into my thumb during it. That was a fun trip to the hospital for me, I'll tell you! It turned out Felix was allergic to flea bites. It turns out I am allergic to cat bites. ("
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, all ya.
P.S. Talking about the experience with others who have been through it has been the best medicine so far. Plus, as they say, "time heals all, except a leaky facet."