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New cali gun laws that the squaks that did the shooting complied with
http://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/firearms/pdf/cfl2013.pdf? No private sales no loopholes now tell me what can obama do that exceeds these EXISTING laws
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New Some modest proposals
BHO can't do much exclusively through executive action.

We can:
Repeal the second amendment. Failing that, use a highlighter on the words "well regulated militia" to help SCOTUS find them.
Nationalize companies that manufacture firearms and shutter them.
Institute a law modeled on the Japanese Firearm and Sword Possession Control Law. Confiscate privately owned firearms.
Define the NRA as an organization that provides material support to terrorists. Disband it.
Remove and make permanently ineligible any office holder who has ever accepted a campaign contributions from the NRA.
Find the knuckle-draggers who insist that we can have their guns when we pry them from their cold, dead fingers. Accommodate them.
New I assume this is satire but JIC
"Repeal the second amendment. Failing that, use a highlighter on the words "well regulated militia" to help SCOTUS find them."
Doable in the era of CGA; the highlighter, of course; 2A is here. There are more weapons than voting age citizens to do this.

"Nationalize companies that manufacture firearms and shutter them" ... not happening:they fucking ARE the MIC.

"Institute a law modeled on the Japanese Firearm and Sword Possession Control Law. Confiscate privately owned firearm" Ok... there are almost more firearms than citizens in this land of the free, so you would need increased army of cops... in a society that is going more fascist every day. Real good...

"Define the NRA as an organization that provides material support to terrorists. Disband it" And they are on the honor system to return the hardware... real good...

"Remove and make permanently ineligible any office holder who has ever accepted a campaign contributions from the NRA" Riiiiight... A politician who will vote to eliminate his sugar daddy? The Onion wouldn't propose that.

"Find the knuckle-draggers who insist that we can have their guns when we pry them from their cold, dead fingers. Accommodate them" I have a .22 rifle I was given when I was a kid (5 yo). I haven't fired it for maybe 30 years, but every new year, I clean and oil it. You can't have it. There is a finite chance I may have other firearms I have collected over the years. Uuummmm.... you can't have those either, assuming, of course I had them. The second amendment isn't the whole of the constitution.

Pretty thought though...
"Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable."
New no prob
Find the knuckle-draggers who insist that we can have their guns when we pry them from their cold, dead fingers. Accommodate them.
every pissed off armed vet, pissed of non vet who thinks the gummint is out to get them and every pissed off cop who hates getting shot at by pissed off criminals who think the cops are out to get them and every pissed off person who doesn't currently own one who will buy one before they are banned vs the "gummint" I cant have my rifle the 75 ml I always wanted is at the armory gets his wish. You want a bloodbath that makes ISIS a fart in a teapot go ahead and try it. I know how to commandeer a large amount of heavy weapons and I am one of many. We are not a country that blindly follows every stupid political order. In Mississippi the arsenals would be gutted the first day of the new law and the high tech boats being produced by the navy in pascagoula would be on route under stealth to freedom fighters. Hook up with the cartels and california would be liberated. Hope you still remember your boleta verde numero
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New Malki on San Bernardino

Above: My dad, quoted in the San Bernardino Sun-Telegram, 1959. When Dad emigrated to America, he could have settled anywhere, really. He ended up in San Bernardino, where he built himself a business and a family and ran both with equal vigor for 50 years.

(Don’t worry — this isn’t going to be a Serious Political Post. Not really.)

Most likely you’ve heard the news this week from San Bernardino, California. A pair of jerks killed a bunch of probably real nice people. What a terrible, terrible event.

Lots of impassioned people are spilling gigaflops of pixel ink on the Big Issues raised by this mass shooting, the largest in…well, a short while.

Political points will be scored by people decrying their opponents for milking the event for political points.

People who already hate certain things (such as Muslims, or guns, or, like me, arguing on the Internet) will discover, folded into their perceptions of this event, newly colorful reasons to hate that same thing even more righteously.

I want to talk about the town. I was born and raised in San Bernardino. I lived there for 18 years, until I moved away to college. My mom and my sisters and their families live there now.


New Wouldn't surprise me if Andrew has clients there.
In 2005, just before picking up my motor home from the factory in Montclair just to the East, my wife and I drove to a Camping World in San Bernardino to get supplies. It gets to look like desert fairly quickly further East.

On the way to Newfoundland this past summer we drove on I-84 near Newtown, CT. Ordinarily, it would have been just another small town name to be ignored, but no more.

Yep, it's terrible how names take on a different meaning after a tragic event.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
New Re: cali gun laws that the squaks that did the shooting complied with
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New cant read it, what is it?
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New that main chart has nothing to do with murder, it includes all deaths
but we have had that conversation before
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New So what?
Gun death is a public health problem that is made better by regulating gun ownership.
New you would have to have rope control and razxor control as well
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New Whataboutery.
Stop it.
New Bors from 2012.
It never goes out of style...

No, I don't feel safe seeing that. YMMV.


New of course you would be uncomfortable with open carry
you or your neighbors were not brought up that way. So It would be scary to introduce it to your neighborhood. In Alaska until 1980 or so open carry was common, the only restriction was you had to hanf the guns up in the bar until you left. Then the fucking califucks moved in and started shivering in fear. You can still open carry but the cops get excited now.
you can kill people for America at age 18 but need to be 21 to buy a beer
New 'The World' will thank the mentioned Califucks for their prescience
..if there are enough left sans collateral-damage-Cha-Cha-Cha ... to give a round of applause.

Instead of those Other "rounds" ..which so many hoard, preen selves by their reflected light and
... otherwise fondle [one can only say:] lasciviously.

Gollum's My Precious
New Too many wingers argue for "open carry everywhere".
There are nutjobs in power here in VA that say that guns should be allowed in bars, schools, churches, etc., etc., and if they're forbidden that somehow means that FEMA Camps are just around the corner.

It's stupid.

People don't think and act rationally when they're drunk or under stress.

Open Pointing would not make anyone safer. Open Carry is a shibboleth that was recognized as ridiculous and dangerous in Dodge City in the 1870s. It's even more stupid and dangerous now.

Part of my adolescence was spent in a home with a guy who had a pistol. It didn't make me, or my mother, feel safer.

As you know, Kennesaw, GA passed a law in the early 1980s that required every household to own a gun. It hasn't eliminated crime there (the crime rate is lower in Fairfax City which has no such rule).

More guns aren't the answer, and the Constitution doesn't say that every 'fraidy cat idiot and bully within the US has the right to brandish guns whenever and where-ever they feel like it.


DC v Heller was wrong in many respects, but there are sensible portions to it:

The Supreme Court stated, however, that the Second Amendment should not be understood as conferring a “right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” The Court provided examples of laws it considered “presumptively lawful,” including those which:

* Prohibit firearm possession by felons and the mentally ill;
* Forbid firearm possession in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings; and
* Impose conditions on the commercial sale of firearms.

The Court noted that this list is not exhaustive, and concluded that the Second Amendment is also consistent with laws banning “dangerous and unusual weapons” not in common use at the time, such as M-16 rifles and other firearms that are most useful in military service. In addition, the Court declared that its analysis should not be read to suggest “the invalidity of laws regulating the storage of firearms to prevent accidents.”

The way out of this, it seems to me, is to require a "tax stamp" for every firearm that isn't a muzzle-loader - the same type of regulations required for Tommy Guns and the like. You want an AR-15? Fine. Pay the $200 tax, get on the ATF list, have all the checks, accept the regulations on transfer, and so forth. A $20/bullet tax would be nice, too, and would obviously be Constitutional...

(Who wonders if the Supreme Court may actually draw back from the brink based on the refusal to take the case yesterday.)
New Same as free speech: there are time/manner/place restrictions
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Masterful.. Piet Hein would give a nod
In my little square-shaped copy of Runaway Runes
(one of his 40 published, by '68 when I got this in København [btw it's Copenhagen-long-A as in "The Hague" ... not f'ing "-hog".)

..which I ran across this afternoon, there were some "compact reviews":

The impact of Piet Hein ... on the English speaking world may be considerable ... he comes to its attention as a full-blown developed genius.
Often proposed for the Nobel prize.

LIFE (mag.)

... conciliation would be far easier if adversaries would only heed the aphoristic advice of the Danish Scientist-Poet Piet Hein: The Noble Art of Losing Face ...
TIME (mag. too before it burned out)

and from Norway:
Critics find Piet Hein incomparable. On the contrary, he is comparable even with Goethe ... Goethe's masterly »knittelverse« or »Über allen Gipfeln«, don't you think?
Herman Wildelvey

also from there: The Nobel prize should be proud to be given to Piet Hein.
Arvid Dahle

The noble art of losing face
may one day save the human race
and turn into eternal merit
what weaker minds would call disgrace.

And he had more coming. Mentioned In 1968.
But just the ones in THIS teensy book-let, attended by other than the feeble-minded: could have obviated [most every foreign adventure of the ignorant-Shogunate]--for just One example.

So homo-sap has had No Excuse.. for at least ... the last 47 years. :-/
New Heh

Growing up, ^this^ is the Piet Hein the songs you learn in school are about, even in Belgium...

You mean the Danish edition, I take?
New Quite.. also,
Holy Shite! he/my guy ..had same birthday as Beethoven (et moi!) GMTA.
Alas, your guy seems never to have created a single grook; pen mightier than the cutlass?

A direct descendant of Hein was Piet Hein, a famous 20th century Danish mathematician, physicist and poet.
     cali gun laws that the squaks that did the shooting complied with - (boxley) - (20)
         Some modest proposals - (gcareaga) - (2)
             I assume this is satire but JIC - (hnick)
             no prob - (boxley)
         Malki on San Bernardino - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Wouldn't surprise me if Andrew has clients there. - (a6l6e6x)
         Re: cali gun laws that the squaks that did the shooting complied with - (malraux) - (6)
             cant read it, what is it? -NT - (boxley) - (5)
                 Original source - (malraux) - (4)
                     that main chart has nothing to do with murder, it includes all deaths - (boxley) - (3)
                         So what? - (pwhysall) - (2)
                             you would have to have rope control and razxor control as well -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                 Whataboutery. - (pwhysall)
         Bors from 2012. - (Another Scott) - (7)
             of course you would be uncomfortable with open carry - (boxley) - (3)
                 'The World' will thank the mentioned Califucks for their prescience - (Ashton)
                 Too many wingers argue for "open carry everywhere". - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     Same as free speech: there are time/manner/place restrictions -NT - (malraux)
             Masterful.. Piet Hein would give a nod - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Heh - (scoenye) - (1)
                     Quite.. also, - (Ashton)

If ya dont want to dispense certain drugs go into construction.
108 ms