That first *graphic is also the most concise depiction of our dilemma(s). Great find, thanks again.
Maybe best of all: it is a multi-national consensus,
so SCREW the politico-Mega-BS scatological blather. While reading for comprehension.
* Believe Tufte would be proud of this simplest-without-being-simplistic visual aid.

For those who cannot see that the Dilemmas are manifestly meta-governmental, transcending all 'gummint'-like slogans about every government:
there is not even any point in arguing with such.
In absence of a truly-viable World Government (an idea which struck terror in My Gramma) we are now facing a necessity of creating something-like just that.
Meanwhile, the deteriorating performance of many govt. operatives today (and of US citizens) will guarantee pulling all the rhetorical stops
--to guarantee that we Won't. (form such.)

Waiting for OUR 'lawmakers' to achieve adulthood, to learn how to cooperate when there is no alternative, to "emotionally comprehend" [the exponential function] Again!!
I deem those matters to be the largest of (all the well-described S-REX probabilities and confidence-levels.)

We'll see.. whether such well-crafted explanations can ever pierce the permanently-closed-mindsets all about.

Meanwhile, I think I'll have a
Lagunitas New Dog Town ale, some Chopin, and try to tune-out the fate of mere-planets in the maya..

(We should use the time remaining ... wisely, right?)

Carrion.. (The Breakfast of Champions muddled-minds?)

Ed: add Tufte: he's always In Season.