The information below is about subsidized exchange coverage. Note that subsidies are only available for people purchasing coverage on their own in the exchange (not through an employer). Depending on your state's eligibility criteria, you or some members of your family may qualify for Medicaid.
Household income in 2014:387% of poverty level
Unsubsidized annual health insurance premium in 2014:$10,553
Maximum % of income you have to pay for the non-tobacco premium, if eligible for a subsidy:9.5%
Amount you pay for the premium:$5,700 per year
(which equals 9.5% of your household income and covers 54% of the overall premium) You could receive a government tax credit subsidy of up to:$4,853
(which covers 46% of the overall premium)
The details matter, and maybe I mangled some things in trying different options. But the above is what it gave me starting fresh. The subsidy does drop for younger people.