health care needs to be paid
there is this thing called money that has to come from somewhere to pay the healthcare
if you are a county school district government worker, your employer paid health care portion is paid by money usually collected from the realestate tax, income tax and sales taxes.
Income and most sales taxes are collected by the state
realestate and a small portion of the the sales tax is collected by the county.
School boards are local residents of the county, elected, only one teabagger out of seven and she is gonna get recalled if not convicted for filing a false police report.
The state has decided that they were no longer kicking in the portion of the employer paid part of non certified employees (non teachers)Republica assholes as Scott has referred to them
The county school boad decided ouch but we would find the money.
The state health care system is self funded. We do not pay insurance companies to do the health care. It is negotiated with the providers to get a cheap price and it is self funded.
That organization stated that the amount of money needed to cover obamacare changes would approximately double in 2014.
So funding cut FIRST then being told that not only funding cuts for non certified but payments needed to double because of obamacare requirements in 2014
The schoolboard then set out a proposal and accepted the deal fro Aramark.
Now you can join nother on the handwaving team or gather with greg on the drooling into their depends team if you wish. Costs will be going up dramatically because of obamacare provisions. Even some democrats in washington are recognising that.