Post #379,276
8/14/13 1:39:44 PM
Here's the full quote.
From http://web.archive.o...allroom-10/20/09/
A speech to a DNC fundraiser on 10/20/2009:
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, well, the banks, they don't want financial regulation; I guess it's just too hard. You know, that poster was nice during the campaign; we had some fun, but oh, well. (Laughter.) We didnÂt work so hard to leave our problems to the next generation, the next administration. We came to solve these problems -- right here, right now. (Applause.)
Now is the time to build a clean energy economy that can put people back to work. (Applause.) Now is the time to educate every American child so they can compete in a global economy. (Applause.) Now is the time to make sure that every American has affordable health care. That's what we're fighting for! Not later, but now! (Applause.)
You fired up?
THE PRESIDENT: I want to recognize the people in this room and the folks watching online who are helping us do exactly that. I want to thank all the Organizing for America volunteers for making calls, knocking on doors, keeping up the fight. (Applause.) You know why this is so important. You know premiums have doubled over the past decade. Some of you have seen it -- your employer said, I'm sorry, I don't want to do it to you, but I'm doubling your premiums. In some cases, what they're paying, your employers are paying is going up even faster than what you're paying. It's unsustainable. It could double again in the next decade. You know that millions of people in this country have been discriminated because they don't -- of a preexisting condition. You know that more companies are dropping coverage. You know that more and more families are struggling to pay for health care even if they have insurance, out-of-pocket costs going up faster and faster.
And you know what Tim Kaine understood and underscored -- we are closer than we've ever been. This has been a battle that has lasted since Teddy Roosevelt -- the basic principle that part of our social contract is you don't go bankrupt if you get sick; that families shouldnÂt have to worry if their children need help -- (applause) -- that we are looking after each other enough to make sure that everybody has health care in this country. (Applause.)
We're closer than we've ever been. Five committees of Congress all voted out legislation. As Tim said, the differences are starting to narrow and we're going to, pretty soon, be hitting the floor of the House and the Senate with bills; then we're going to reconcile them. And then we're going to have to vote on them again. And then I'm going to sign it. (Applause.)
Now, there are still some details and some disagreements that have to be worked out.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Single payer!
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Public option!
THE PRESIDENT: Let me say this, because somebody just brought up something. (Laughter.) Among Democrats and progressives there are a whole set of views about how we should do health care. But understand that the bill you least like in Congress right now, the one you least like of the five that are out there would provide 29 million Americans health care -- 29 million Americans who don't have it right now would get it. The bill you least like would prevent insurance companies from barring you from getting health insurance because of preexisting conditions. (Applause.) Whatever the bill you least like would set up an exchange so that people right now who are having to try to bargain for health insurance on their own are suddenly part of a pool of millions that forces insurance companies to compete for their business and give them better deals and lower rates. (Applause.)
So there are going to be some disagreements and details to work out. But to the Democrats, I want to say to you, Democrats, let's make sure that we keep our eye on the prize. (Applause.) And that is, all those millions of Americans who don't have health insurance and all those who do have health insurance that are seeing their costs go up, if we get a bill -- when we get a bill that delivers on those issues --
THE PRESIDENT: When. That's what I said. (Applause.) Then we have to do everything we can to support it. You know, sometimes Democrats can be their own worst enemies. (Applause.) Democrats are an opinionated bunch. (Applause.) You know, the other side, they just kind of -- sometimes -- do what they're told. (Laughter.) Democrats, you all are thinking for yourselves. (Applause.) I like that in you. But it's time for us to make sure that we finish the job here. We are this close. And we've got to be unified. (Applause.)
And to all those non-Democrats who may be in the audience -- (laughter) -- or who are watching our webcast, or who will hear about this on cable -- (laughter) -- I want you to know I believe in a strong and loyal opposition. I believe in a two-party system where ideas are tested and assumptions are challenged. That's made this legislation that we're working on better and more durable. That's how our democracy works. That's a good thing.
Context matters.