Re: is your friend.
First, thanks for linky. The President's response was, essentially, "I know what you want. I know you want real reform. I know you want everybody covered. I know you want real change. But you're not going to get it. See, I made a deal with all the privateers of the existing healthcare delivery system and you're not going to screw it up. So, suck it up and take what I hand you."
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Single payer!
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Public option!
THE PRESIDENT: Let me say this, because somebody just brought up something. (Laughter.) Among Democrats and progressives there are a whole set of views about how we should do health care. But understand that the bill you least like in Congress right now, the one you least like of the five that are out there would provide 29 million Americans health care -- 29 million Americans who don't have it right now would get it.
Would that be counting the people who would have gotten it, but won't because their hours are being cut back to insure they aren't eligible? So, was he speaking naively or did he know he was slinging B.S.? If he really wanted those people covered sans profits for his Wall Street buddies, he'd have been a strong advocate for Single Payer, no?
The bill you least like would prevent insurance companies from barring you from getting health insurance because of preexisting conditions. (Applause.)
Um, no. Actually for the overwhelming majority the existing healthcare plan policies themselves bar non-issuance for pre-existing conditions. Mind there is no cap for policy premiums - JUST AS THERE IS NONE IN THE ACA. So, swing and a miss again.
Whatever the bill you least like would set up an exchange so that people right now who are having to try to bargain for health insurance on their own are suddenly part of a pool of millions that forces insurance companies to compete for their business and give them better deals and lower rates.
Um, not Ed Zachary. A lot of states are
not building these exchanges. And of those that do,
there is no upper bound for health insurance premiums.
So there are going to be some disagreements and details to work out.
Um, yeah. Like a COMPLETE Do-Over.
Was that your point? :0)