It would only go through the Fed *if* we had representative government. A lot of idiots in 2008 *thought* they were getting "Change we can believe in", but they were delusional (and racist, BTW, "Look, he's got to be Progressive. He's mixed race!"). Obama's election made things much, much, much worse. What remained of the Left in this country has exited the process entirely. And why shouldn't they? If Obama is what passes for a Left-Of-Center politician in this country, we may as well leave everything to the Tea Baggers.

We already had a Senate that was Wall Street Banker owned, his election meant we had an Executive branch that continued to be a Wall Street Banker owned institution. The House, under Pelosi and with a strong Democratic majority, was itself largely functional and the *only* representative government we had. But the betrayal of the Left by Obama (who gave him the White House in the first place) meant that they stayed home in the 2010 elections. The Wingnut Hard Right has one thing correct: Obama's election destroyed what was left of the country. But not for the reasons they think (his mixed race); rather, for the reason that he successfully passed as a Liberal and then showed his true Bush III colors.