The HTML looks fairly clean. A couple of minor discrepancies.
It actually has been run through the validator, believe it or not. :-)
1. Meta Element for defeating DumbTags. I'm not sure, but I think HTML likes for the Meta tags to be contained within the HEAD tags. Right now you have it preceding the HTML tag.
Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out; my bad.
2. TD Color Attributes: You left out the # sign for the color attributes in the TD tags (color & bgcolor).
Which page, specifically?
3. Non well formed font closing. Near the bottom of the page, you have an extra /FONT closing tag (THEY[/font].org[/font]).
Fixed, thanks for spotting that one.
Of course, the real trick in the long term is to validate the compliance of html tags that are entered by the user. :-)
It already is, for the most part. Some of the nittier things (like the # for color attributes, etc) aren't handled, but it won't allow unclosed tags and the like.