Fathers don\ufffdt want their daughters treated the way they treated girls in high school. With boys there is less ambivalence. Parents are more worried about a son being trapped in an early marriage. Emphasis added.

{sigh} Guess the idea of teaching your *son* how to become a thoughtful and considerate 'lover'-trainee - still doesn't enter pretty little heads. So fathers respond to the guilt of knowing what assholes they behaved like - by hovering about the daughter? Both! view 'Susie' as a predatory creature intent upon stealing little 'Billy' away from them prematurely?

Puritanism - the nuclear weapon against ever reaching sexual maturity! ..let alone: passing it on.

Guess that's one crime I won't be guilty of - if my son treats girls at his school with 1/100th of the respect I did, I'll be mighty fine proud.

Admittedly, if he overcomes his shyness and actually asks somebody out on a date, I'll be mighty fine proud as well. :)