Davidson said that "there's real trauma whether the perpetrator is male or female. No one in this field will tell you that there's nothing harmful about a 16-year-old boy being in a relationship with a 30-year-old."

Emphasis added. In Whose Opinion and why should I acccept it as some sort of Real-ity?

Note the double-negative, No one in this field will tell you that there's nothing harmful ... I mistrust such absolute statements as also presume you can prove "the empty set". Especially do, when the sample size, methodology for asking 'leading questions' etc. is also absent. I do recall vividly, the "child molestation by Witchcraft" cockamamie madness of a few years back - and the patently false methods used by 'Social Workers' (!) to inculcate into the cheeldrun .. some snappy stories of Black Magic Doings: Adult-conceived, generated! "snappy stories". Remember?

In brief - I continue to maintain that the word trauma is being bandied about here, and above, as social "science"-like *conclusions* are given Ex Cathedra. I'm impressed. Negatively.

I can do as well "explaining" the frequent willingness to credit such sloppy work as this link - on This topic: simply by reminding again of the Puritan influence in Murican culture, the manifestly arrested-adolescent behavior of many so-called adults, the incessant use of something to do with SEX ... to SELL, also to titillate as in gossip - theologically to remind of Guilt and elicit sanctimony - and many other unNatural uses for a Natural function which.. (simply)

MAKES MURICANS 'UNCOMFORTABLE'. (And is associated with 'dirty' !!!)

Academia can hardly behave as if this weirdness about our culture Did Not Exist ergo: the weasel words and tut-tuts. Speak more plainly: no funds next year. Not "PC" but "CC" == Culturally Correct. But much too often - balderdash as well. (CC might also mean Cowardly Conformist or ___)

Oh, did I say: I demur. {sheesh}

who would go with Ruth Benedict or Margaret Mead, with fewer reservations than the modrin Organization-folks cited above.

PS [Edit] - note also the very-modrin buzz words also within this excerpt: those "awful" women (the older ones) were Guilty of "lack of self-esteem"! THIS in an "oh so Scientific" screed. I think that if I hear that meaningless socio-babble phrase *again*, I might defenstrate - and take someone with me. Econ and Sociology are apparently our thorny Crosses to bear. But not necessarily cheerfully...