I almost never listen to Joe Scaraborough.
But this morning I did. I found it ironic in the extreme that he, a Reagan Republican, actually lamented the fact that union membership has fallen to 7% in the private sector. Want to bring back the middle class? Get union membership in the private sector up to about 50% (or more) and watch the wealth shift back to the middle. Of course, you'd need strong federal legislation protecting union jobs and you'd need a Progressive in the White House using his bully pulpit for that, so I guess we're out of luck. ;0)
Get more Democrats in the House and Senate and you're there.
Obama's not the hold-up. One needs the votes in the House and Senate and they aren't there now (and haven't been for about 40 years). If you want progressive policies (like I do), one needs more progressive people in the legislature.
But I'm sure President Cain will be just as bad as Obama so it doesn't really matter. </snark> Cheers, Scott. (It's humpday! And maybe the world won't end today when the Euro continues its disintegration...) |
Get more Democrats in the House and Senate
and they will fuck you over as fast as tea partiers. Card check was a requirement of the prez 59 senators and a shitloaf of congressmen couldnt get it done. You like people who are progressive dont vote democrat
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
59 < 60 Film at 11:00.
card check not good enuff for nuklear option? go dems go
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Well, RepubliCANTS are "progressive"
so who does that leave the voter with - Libertarians? The average Libertarian has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected in this day and age.
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from." -- E.L. Doctorow |
Back to the lesser of two evils again...
Basic assumptions:
1) Some of us want progressive policies. 2) The system in place is heavily rigged to support only two real choices. 3) One choice is horrible while the other choice is only terrible. 4) The system has been corrupted over the last decades to the point where the judicial system has been stacked in favor of big money, bribery has been institutionalized in the legislature under the rubric of lobbying and has been heavily invested on both sides by the same special interests, and the executive branch is a sock puppet for Wall Street (all potential players.) The process to change the system either has to go through the corrupted system or get very messy. Questions: 1) How does voting for LOTE Lesser Of Two Evils get ANY kind of positive control over the lesser evil? 2) Doesn't voting for LOTE indicate support for the lesser evil? Does that not make those who vote for a lesser evil complicit in the evil he generates? 3) If both sides are pushing our society towards feudalism, is not a vote for either side a vote for feudalism? 4) How does voting for one side over the other get us closer to those progressive policies? 5) Is it possible that letting the system crash, earlier rather than later, may be the quickest and most likely way to get any real type of reform? The lesser of two evils is evil. Is there any clean way out? I wish I could see one. Are there any real choices at all? Damnifiknow... |
What John Cole said:
This is one of the reasons I get so frustrated with the pissing and moaning and the ÂOh, Obama has let me down bullshit from our progressive betters in the comments here and elsewhere. ItÂs like they just donÂt understand that we all agree the Democrats arenÂt perfect, that we realize the Democrats are pretty bad on a lot of issues, and we realize that in many cases they are just as beholden to corporate interests, and that we realize that Democrats do a lot of really stupid shit and are not serving their constituents well. We get all that. I understand that completely and agree with those sentiments. The fail is plainly visible. For every bright spot like Franken or Sanders or Sherrod Brown, there is a Nelson or Landrieu or McCaskill. But that doesnÂt change the fact that THE OTHER FUCKING PARTY IS CRAZY. And IÂm not saying that just to be hyperbolic. They are nucking futs. Lunatics. Insane.http://www.balloon-j...25/kthug-gets-it/ cordially, |
Re: What John Cole said:
Ah, so a molecular veneer of sanity makes it acceptable to overtly support someone who is antithetical to most of my major values. Makes for a fun campaign platform though: "Vote for me. I'm throughly rotten, but not foaming at the mouth yet. My opponent is NUTS!!"
This line of argument seems as trivial and stupid as the B&B song and dance team's "Well, the other guy did it too" routine. It's probably just me, but "Well, occasionally he does something that isn't completely rotten" just doesn't seem to do it. I probably cut the civics class, those years ago, where they explained why this is just ducky. Never mind... |
Good god
I'm sorry, but when it comes to electoral politics, Americans need to grow up. Hold your nose and vote for the not insane candidate, and then as soon as the election is over invade the party so you can kick the bagmen out. "I voted, therefore it's democracy" is a bullshit sentiment. You've got to participate, and voting is not participation.
(5) Yes.
Seriously. The only thing worse than the Indiana State Board of Elections in Indianapolis telling me that they would not count my vote or any vote for write-in candidates in my county "because it would not change the outcome anyway" was the reaction of my fellow Nader supporters who told me, "That's too bad. Try again next time." Try what? I don't usually urinate by my pointing my dick north when the wind is blowing 70 knots at 360.
It's got to completely fricking crash and burn. The Reagan Revolution is still with us. Jesus H. Fricking Christ, we've got a Black President actually citing Reagan. With a "Left" like that, the party's over. Fly the SOB into the ground. We'll build something with any parts that survive. |
I'm not getting out of the boat, myself. :-/
Right page. Wrong quote.
We must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig... cow after cow... village after village... army after army... :0) |