Oh, that's easy
The judges and political appointees (they weren't termed appointees, they are "valuable" members of staff who are still there after the appointees fucked the various departments) left by Bush.
Vast amounts of unaccounted for power. Abused in the past. Continued to be abused in the shadows.
Add every major industry tycoon who backdealed his way to the top and possibly fucked me (or someone like me) on the way. Let them worry.
Now add in the foreign power connections. Huge amounts of power that affects my life. I wanna know. Not sure where it will lead, but it will be informative.
Yes, I understand the whole thing could be a honeypot. Cool idea. So then it is a matter of his very well known history and stated intentions. Let him make a few billion dollars. IT'S OK! It is money well earned for incredible risks taken. I salute him.