Gold's inflation-adjusted price would have to be above $2200 in current dollars to match the 1980 high. Instead, it closed below $1335 today.

If you think the current-dollar price of gold is a meaningful commentary on uncertainty about US taxes, or something, I guess you think this chart says something about Bush's policies:


(Notice the log y-axis)

The trend under Bush was for the price to roughly double in roughly 5 years. There's noise in the graph, but that trend is holding. That means that fear of taxes or uncertainty or regulation or SOCIALISM!!!!11 isn't an explanation unless you think that the gold market thought W had those policies too.

Tell me what the price of [gold] means in relation to Beep's argument? [Noting that your interpretation of the reason for the price rise doesn't seem to hold.]


(You're free to make any prediction you want. I won't put any money on it. :-)
